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Community of Practice: Coffee + Conversation

April 16, 2021 @ 2:30 am - 3:30 am

Questions about Servant Leadership?

Together, we will explore the answers.  

What questions do you have about servant leadership? What do you really want to know more about?  If we could answer one thing about servant leadership, what question would be on your list?  


It doesn’t matter if you first heard the words servant leadership uttered yesterday, or if you are a life-long practitioner, this session will give you an opportunity to learn more about servant leadership from others who will be in attendance.  Because servant-leaders, by nature, strive for growth in self and those they lead/serve, they are always asking questions and searching for answers. 


In this community of practice session, we will discuss YOUR servant leadership questions and collectively explore answers.   The Sophia Servant Leadership Community of Practice sessions connect people who share a common interest in learning and practicing servant leadership.      


Send your questions in advance to christa@sophiapartners.org.  Or, just register to attend and ask your questions during the session.  

Christa Williams, Executive Director of Sophia Transformative Leadership Partners, will facilitate this session along with those who attend. 

Register to attend:  April 16

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April 16, 2021
2:30 am - 3:30 am


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