

Your support and investment in Sophia goes to people making a difference in the people, organizations, and communities they serve. Read more about how you can create caring community by donating via the links below.

True leaders don’t create more followers, they create more leaders.

Sophia’s work is to create leaders – leaders who then co-create solutions that result in making our teams, groups, organizations and communities better. We invest in PEOPLE as leaders and the potential of the solutions they create.

As a nonprofit, Sophia is committed to making our resources, training programs and services accessible, regardless of ability to pay.  Donations make that possible!

We are also dedicated to fair compensation for our trainers and support staff who, like you, have worked hard to create change in their communities.  Donations make that possible, too!

Here are a few ways you can donate to Sophia:

Donate conveniently through Facebook:

(1.99% + $0.49 per transaction)

Donate via Facebook

Donate conveniently through Paypal:

(2.9% + $0.30 per transaction)

Additional Opportunities

While all online donations can be entered above, offline donations by check are welcomed and just as appreciated. Please make payable to Sophia Transformative Leadership Partners and mail to P.O. Box 1251, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1251

Where your donation goes:


Scholarships are awarded to nonprofit, educational and governmental leaders in our community who require additional financial support to participate in Sophia learning opportunities. We use a sliding scale for participation fees to ensure scholarship funding is accessible to as many individuals as possible. Gifts up to $400 will provide a partial or full scholarship for an individual to attend a Sophia leadership program or event. Thank you for helping make leadership development accessible and affordable for all people and organizations!   

Community of Practice

Underwrite one month, 6 months or a year of Sophia’s Community of Practice program…the monthly, FREE-to-all gathering of leaders that do more than talk about leadership.  Knowing leadership is not a “one and done” learning experience, this program brings together individuals on a regular basis to learn about a serve-first approach to leadership…and, then inspires them to go out and apply what they learned.  Donations of $100 – $1200 underwrite these monthly sessions.

Community Projects

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a lot of work to do to make communities work better for the greater good of all.  We see the world through a lens that no one person, group, or organization has the answer – including Sophia. We must work together as PARTNERS, each of us using our own unique talents, thoughts and energy to continue our growth. Learn more about our partnership opportunities.

Ripple Project Fund (NEW!)

Launching a vision for what partnership & potential make possible.

The Ripple Project Fund provides support to community change initiatives focused on making larger, longer-term impact.

Pay It Forward

If you agree with our mission then you understand that individuals rise together, not alone. By funding our programming at a higher level, you can help “pay it forward” to other smaller organizations and individuals that may not have the funding but that could benefit from our high-quality programming at a lower cost. 

Payments beyond the true value of the program offerings are considered tax deductible donations.

If cost is a significant barrier for your group, please contact us and we can talk about how Sophia can work with you to make it possible.