
Apply for Youth Leadership

Fond du Lac:

This application is for the 2024-2025 Youth Leadership Fond du Lac program. If you have any questions about the application or program, contact us at youth@sophiapartners.org.

To be considered for this year’s program, please complete the application by Sept. 13.

2024-2025 YLF Application

As a Youth Leadership Fond du Lac participant, expect to complete a service project to benefit the community and learn from leaders throughout the county. Each monthly agenda gives participants opportunities to: - Learn about and celebrate their hometown; - Design and implement a community benefit project; - Develop an understanding of local government and civic engagement; - Be exposed to career opportunities in workplaces that exist across sectors; - See themselves as future leaders living, working and thriving in the greater Fond du Lac area.

  • Student Information

  • Please include a personal email, if not applicable, NA.
  • Name of high school within the greater Fond du Lac area.
  • Parent/Guardian Information

  • Demographic Information (optional)

    Completion of this section is voluntary. No program participant selections are made based on this information. There will be no impact on your application if you choose not to answer any of these questions.
  • Please describe any accommodations you would need from the program in order to participate (ie: wheel-chair accessible, translator, etc.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.